Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Unicorns, rare white deer, need help in New York

While I'm not sure why on earth anyone thinks that a white deer looks anything like a unicorn (after all, the defining feature of unicorn is the horn on top of the horse's head), that's what they're calling them in New York. A herd of very, very rare white deer (white due to a recessive gene) are living in Seneca Couny inhabit a former Cold War Army Depot enclosed in a twenty-four mile fence. These sweet guys are so rare and beautiful that Lenape Native Americans believed they were something like ghosts and had magic powers.

In the early 1950s, two white fawns (baby deer) were spotted by the Commanding General and he adored them so much he forbid any GI's from shooting them. Today, Seneca County boasts the world's largest herd of white deer.

Sadly, business is looking to develop 7500 acres of the former army depot. Due to heavy economic problems in Seneca County, businesses are eyeing up the land that is being called "an economic goldmine". Others, the Seneca White Deer Organization in particular, want the land made into an official nature reserve. The White Deer group hopes to market their cause as a conservational issue (which it is!!!) and capture the hearts of people the world over. Nothing can happen yet, however, as the army owns the land until 2012. Given the fact that the economy needs fueling, maybe they can do both?
Help the White Deer!

1 comment:

  1. You didn't put an "AWWWW!" Reaction. So awwwww!!!!!


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