Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Paranormal News for February 8th thru 14th 2010

In other news...

Home Buyers... Beware? Get Your Paranormal Inspection!

Home buyers now have the option of bringing in a team of "paranormal inspectors" before buying a home. OPHIR, Occult and Paranormal House of Investigational Research), based in Salem, Oregon provide this new kind of home inspection. There is a charge - based on fuel costs, research time and hours required to provide a complete 'inspection'. 

No Bumps in the Night Thanks to the Ghost Hunters Night Light


Yes. A Ghost Hunters night light is now for sale... I kid you not. In honor of...  *wait for it....*

Ghost Hunters' 100th Episode Live Alcatraz Event!!!

Josh Gates. Jason. Grant. Barry. Dustin. LIVE at Alcatraz for the 100th episode celebration... ahem... I mean, investigation. The Alcatraz episode will air LIVE on March 3rd, 2 hours long. No all-nighter, thank Gawd!

Contacting the Dead: EVP Basics

In the 1920s, Thomas Edison attempted to create a machine that would allow him to contact the dead. He was never able to succeed at building this machine but remained a believer in the existence of ghosts and the supernatural. Edison's attempts were the first of many throughout the twentieth century to make contact with the other side.