Saturday, January 15, 2011

There's No Place Like Home... UFO's Over Bel Air, Maryland, US

As a child, I spent about ten years of my life living in Bel Air, Maryland. A childhood friend claimed to see a similar orb as described below out in the sky as he sat with his dad on their back deck. I've always been on the fence regarding UFO's (but I leave the possibility open). When I saw this story coming right out of my childhood hometown, I just had to share.

The sighting above occurred in October of 2010. Still can't figure out what road this is. For a time, that interested me more than the orbs floating off in the background. I gave up.

The following sighting listed in the MUFON CMS report occurred on January 10th 2011:

For the past two months I've been seeing strange lights and aircraft in my area around Bel Air, Maryland. After seeing them on a regular basis I went out and bought a video camera so I could document these sightings.

I started to notice these lights almost every night usually around 7:00PM EST. They appear very low in the sky, usually over trees and sometimes they can be extremely bright. At times they appear to pulsate and move extremely slow. Generally they hang around for 5-10 minutes before fading out. Sometimes when they fade out and start moving away they start to blink a red light or strobe light like you would see on a standard aircraft. However I can assure you that these objects do not behave like standard aircraft.

I have also seen and filmed several large black triangle aircraft with 4 bright head lights. They fly extremely low maybe 200 feet off the ground and are almost completely silent. Sometimes they turn the head lights on and off while flying. I had one fly directly over my head one night while I was filming and even though it was only 200-300 feet above me I couldn't hear any sounds coming from it until it was directly over my head. Once it was over my head it sounded like a jet engine but the craft appeared to be a black triangle shape. It was very eerie to have such a large object flying that low and right in front of me yet completely silent until it was directly over my head.
Now you have to keep in mind that Aberdeen Proving Grounds is not far from Bel Air, so any sightings occurring within the area need to be taken with that in mind. However, these "crafts" are moving in such a way that seems very inconsistent with any known military craft. Am I right?
UFO Sightings in Maryland since 11/2010
An earlier MUFON CMS report from late 2010: This report is being filed by the Maryland Mufon State Director on behalf of a witness and a reporter that wish to remain anonymous. This a report of a "first-hand" report.

On December 30, 2010, an individual traveling north on Rt 109 north of Poolsville, MD., passed the curve north of the Jerusalem Road intersection and encountered a stopped vehicle in the road ahead of him.

He looked left (west) and saw the object [a dark "square" (diamond?), approximately 50 yards on a side, fixed white light on all four corners, about 75 yards west of the road over a farm field, about 1000 feet lower than normal approach altitude into Dulles International Airport, moving such that a corner was the forward point) moving slowly (direction not given). He initially thought it was a helicopter.

He turned off the car radio, opened the window to listen, and heard nothing. Two vehicles traveling southbound also saw the object and stopped. The weather that evening was mostly clear with some high clouds.


  1. Just remember, APG is a "proving grounds" meaning they test all kinds of military materiel including some aircraft. I haven't been in Harford for about 15 years, but I do remember January being a big testing time. I babysat the kids of one of APG's engineers and for several years worked overtime watching her kids til about 8 or 9 pm during Jan and Feb.

  2. these lights are called sky lanterns. you can order them online for a few bucks. you light them, then send them on their way and they will travel up to a mile or so before fading out and travel with the wind current of course.

  3. heres an example


Please be considerate. We're mostly trying to have fun here as well as stir up some thought and debate. Be cool!